I agree this works in obsidian. I would find it hard to believe that any of the tools being test beats obsidian in search. Curious if you tried obsidian or why you didn’t mention it here? Look forward to further test results! Thanks!

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There are a few tools that have no problems with this simple task. Bear, Obsidian, Evernote, FSNotes, Apple Notes. But they are all document based. The only-block based tool that found the document was RemNote (because it just did a OR-search.) All other failed including Notion.

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This works in Obsidian. The search is '"spaghetti" "parmesan"'. In Obsidian search the blank between to search strings acts as an AND.

[I can't upload the images to substacks' commenting system, alas.]

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Thanks, we already discussed on Twitter about this. The document based tools have no problems with this kind of search but all the block-based fail (except RemNote). The developer have to find ways to improve this situation.

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